How to Choose the Right Suppliers for Your Business
It's very important to select the right suppliers that they can deliver the products on time with the lowest price and in compliance with the quality standards you want. Here are some points for finding the right suppliers for your company.
■ Price
Price is the most important thing to find the suppliers to win the first purchase order from you because the 3 points below (Quality / Delivery Time / Service) are not possible to exist if there's no purchase order.
■ Quality
Quality products from the supplier can help you to win the trust and confidence from your client easily so maintain consistent quality levels is very important.
■ Delivery Time
Selecting the suppliers who manufacture the products by themselves because it's easy to control the production schedule with no doubt. It's very important to the supplier to deliver the products on time or it will cause serious problems like line down situation.
■ Service
You will need to work with the suppliers you select, so the service level from them is very important, especially how they respond to customer complaints.
Selecting the right / wrong suppliers can build/destroy your business so it's extremely important to always consider the price, quality, delivery time and service that they can offer. If you are lucky to find a right supplier, communicate regularly and make sure that you are fair to treat each other when any problems occur. You should also develop and treasure the business relationship that will benefit both the customer and the supplier side.